2Know Community
The community unites people with common concerns to find meaning amongst change and put that vision into action. The community allows space for a deconstruction of misguided understandings. This space allows leaders understand the external and internal forces that guide their business.
The community supports and champions each other through connection of purpose and culture - allowing each member to explore its "on" and "for" a purpose.
to know and be known
In this culture of constant change, there is a power that comes from knowing.
Change is constant and unavoidable. It is not easy to navigate. It takes significant attention and intention.
We are committed to creating an environment where people gain knowledge and build community. The 2Know Community provides timely updates, tools and resources. Connection takes place through workshops, videos, and other engaging communication channels - focusing on today's greatest challenges and issues - presented by professional experts and other 2Know Community peer experts.
Each year, the 2Know Community offers a variety of workshop experiences, community events and connection groups on topics of interest and importance to you. If you are a business owner, leading people or experiencing transformational change - this community is for you. Topics range from leadership, engagement, and culture to more specific business challenges like benefit compliance and health care reform.
The community meets quarterly with a variety of sessions and topics based on what is trending in the marketplace and what members need TO KNOW. Most of the events are open to all - with no fee. The annual LAUNCH CONFERENCE (in the fall) is a complementary event for Onebody3 and Benefit Source, Inc. clients - and is offered at a minimal fee for all other attendees.
Follow a community that desires to function by design and with intention - by building purposed cultures and influencing purposed mindsets. Members have access to relevant topics and events that provide an experience to use our changing world as a catalyst to healthy "for purpose" cultures.
Join with other leaders who support and champion one another through the connection of purpose and culture.
Member Benefits
2 hours - Executive Purpose Coaching
3 - 2know COMMUNITY events (including Launch)
4 - 2know MEMBERSHIP events (including Purposed Mindsets, Purposed Teams, Intro to Emerge and Purposed Organization workshops)
5 - Member-only videos
Moving leaders to become influencers who can build environments that will influence mindset, function and the performance of the people who are following them. Influencers develop and align followers who can ignite and build the culture they desire. They will be equipped to know how to develop a land where people will want to belong.
We would love to connect with you and share more about the community. Better yet - try an event out for free and decide for yourself if 2Know is a fit for you!